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The love of reading in preschool children


The love of reading in preschool children

From the age of 3, reading becomes an increasingly fun activity for a child, as he now actively participates in discovering the story. In addition, as he speaks better and better, he can comment on the images and ask questions.

Read to a child between 3 and 5 years old.

Before reading

Before actually reading, the reader on the messenger, ask your child open-ended questions about what he sees: "Max's mom seems angry.

When he tries to find an answer to your questions, your little one reinforces his skills of observation and imagination. Your questions also help enrich the conversation with your child.

During the reading

You can read the text in the book, which helps your child learn new words. You can also invent a story yourself from the images you see. Your toddler might even want to help you tell the story.

Before turning a page, do not hesitate to ask your child what he thinks will happen next. Once the story is over, you can also ask him how else the story could have ended. Answering these questions helps your toddler better understand that a story is a series of events with a beginning, middle, and end.

By choosing books on various subjects (eg means of transport, animals, food), you also allow your child to expand his vocabulary and knowledge.

After reading

When the report is completed, speak around it with your child. This discussion will help your child form longer sentences and use the words learned during reading.

What type of book to choose for a child between 3 and 5 years old?

Here are some types of books that your toddler might be interested in.

  • Books with pictures. They will help him discover the history and express himself, even without knowing how to read.
  • Books deal with subjects that interest him (e.g., vehicles, knights, dinosaurs).
  • series of books featuring the same character. Your child will be able to follow his adventures.
  • Books explaining certain everyday situations: moving house, separation from parents, self-esteem, death of a loved one... For book suggestions on common situations among toddlers, see our Bibliotherapy: helping your child through books.
  • Do not hesitate to take out the baby's picture books (with an image and the corresponding word below) so that he begins to "photograph" the simple words of his daily life. This is the first stage of reading.

How to interest a child in writing?

Here are some ideas for activities to do with your toddler to get him interested in the world of writing.

  • Invite your child to postcards to family members for parties and birthdays by slipping in a drawing or a few letters that he drew with your help.
  • Enroll him in the library so that he discovers the pleasure of choosing books. Also, take him to "story time": he will love listening to stories with a group of friends.
  • Have fun making a homemade book together. Just staple sheets (folded in half) and ask your child to illustrate a little story that you make up together. He can also paste his finds or pictures talking about him, to which you can add a caption.
  • Give him a book on each of his birthdays. You can again subscribe to a journal.
  • In his room, organize a reading corner just for him, with cushions and a small library where all his books are easily accessible.
  • It is in the family that reading produces its best results. By reading yourself, you show him that reading is pleasant and allows you to learn a thousand things. You are the ideal person to transmit the love of reading. Without your involvement, the benefits of this activity are much less.
  • Invite your child to invent stories from two or three pictures you cut out of flyers or magazines.
Also Read: The Soft Roots

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