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Analysis of parent-child relationships


Analysis of parent-child relationships

Adults turn to psychologists when they have problems with relationships with children or have difficulty communicating and learning. Most often, the whole family needs expert help. The diagnostic test helps to understand the cause of the tension.

Families have different ideas about the responsibilities of parents and children. Adults adhere to different communication styles and practices that affect the younger generation. The psychologist tries to look at the problem from both sides, studying the condition of the parents and the child. For this, various methods developed by domestic and foreign professionals are used.

Work with children

To see the family through children's eyes, special techniques are used. The study of parent-child relationships takes place in a relaxed, playful environment. Commonly used:

  • R. Gilles' methodology allows us to understand the child's attitude to the family environment. The child is invited to examine pictures of people in different situations and choose their place.
  • Russian psychologists Leaders and Anisimova adopted bene and Anthony's test. He ensures emotional ties in the family. Children are given 20 toys, from which they must choose their relatives, and then, in a playful way, interact with them on the proposed ads.
  • Questionnaires by Schaefer, Markovskaya, and others, where a young person should assess the level of reliability of these rules.
  • AI Jarov's methodology reveals the level of identification of the child with the mother and father and the peculiarities of the attitude towards them.

Livestock testing is also involved in determining parent-child relationships. The child is invited to draw a family and then talk about it. The psychologist carefully studies the position and occupation of the characters, the characteristics of their image, the behavior and emotions of the young artist in the process. This allows us to understand how children perceive family members and their place.

Working with parents

The psychologist needs to identify the features of family education and the causes of deviations. To do this, he invites the adults to do various tests. Parent-kids relationships can be assessed using the following question:

The adult version of the Markovskaya questionnaire. Its primary purpose is mirroring, which allows parents and children to see the interaction in the family through their eyes.

A practical but implementable technique was developed by AO Karabanova. Adults are encouraged to write their motherhood or paternity history in an accessible form, assessing successes and failures in this field independently. As a result, the author's position on parent-child relationships becomes clear.

This technique was later simplified. The adults took the continuation of unfinished phrases about the child and their attitude towards him more easily. Psychologists often use this version in the diagnostic process.

Types of breeding

After the tests, the family characteristics become apparent. Psychologists talk about four types of breeding, most of which appear in mixed forms. In addition to:

  • Specify. Adults oppress children, actively using orders for violence and education. When resisted, they use threats, deception, coercion. As a result, children develop dependence, lack of initiative, and self-doubt.
  • Preservation. The child is careful; they try to fulfill all his desires, they vigorously protect him from trouble. This often leads to a rebellion in adolescence. As adults, such people find themselves defenseless when facing life difficulties. They do not fit into the team.
  • Non-interfering. Parents are passive and practically not involved in the child's upbringing. From an early age, he abandons himself and solves problems without the help of adults. Such children grow up independently, but they do not trust others. They are alone.
  • Cooperation. Parents respect the child as an individual, allowing him to act independently, but at the same time, they are always ready to help. Family members respect each other and spend more time together. Children with such an upbringing grow up confident and open to fruitful communication.

Major disorders can be observed in families.

The relationship between parents and children who turn to psychologists often becomes chaotic. There are many reasons for this. However, the most common problems of parent-child relationships have been identified. Here is a list of them:

  1. Hypoprotection. Not paying enough attention to the children. Adults like Cinderella may reject him, limit themselves to formal care (food, clothes, textbooks), and buy their offspring expensive gifts. Severe choice child neglect.
  2. Hyper care. Caregivers often surround the child, the family's idol is made with him, all wishes are fulfilled, and punishment does not apply. At the same time, adults have complete control over their offspring's lives, protecting them from trouble.
  3. Contradictory breeding. Family members make unfavorable demands on the child, such as divorce, the birth of a second child, etc., or dramatically change their attitude towards him.
  4. Increased responsibility. Children exhibit unfulfilled demands. For example, a child should always be ahead of his peers or be responsible for looking after his younger brother after the father leaves.
  5. Cruel treatment. The child is punished for every crime. All kinds of misdeeds are attributed to him. At the same time, family gifts do not apply.
  6. Cult of the disease. Parents raise children with disorders in a legal environment, protecting them from any responsibilities. Children begin to think that others should feel sorry for them and fulfill all desires.
  7. Education outside the family. The child lives in a boarding school or distant relatives, practically without communicating with the mother and father.

Corrective methods: Working with parents

Families need psychological help in difficult situations. Problems can be caused by external changes (age crises in children, parental divorce, death of a loved one) or personal characteristics of specific individuals. They create a positive family environment to correct parent-child relationships and teach adults how to communicate with children properly.

They must understand the problem and solve it. The psychologist uses a variety of methods in his work. The parent-child relationship can be corrected, but it requires a lot of strength and patience. Most often used:

  • Conversations with adult family members. Parents receive information about their child's development, psychology, and age characteristics during their time.
  • Negotiations. Adults are asked to state their position on a topic presented by a psychologist. Also, discussions help to analyze the educational activities in a particular family, exchange views, understand the essence of the problem, and develop the right solution jointly.

Corrective work with children

It is difficult for children to understand the motives of their behavior and how their parents behave in one way or another. But their mentality is more plastic. Correction of parent-child relationships allows you to correct mistakes in parenting time and avoid problems in the adult life of an older child.

The psychologist tries to create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom so that the young client can relax and begin to express his feelings and thoughts freely. The absence of other family members at the consultation allows you to outlet the repressed conflicts in the child-parent relationship. Here is some advice to support you doing just that:

  • Game Therapy. With the help of puppets, the child can reproduce disturbing communication situations, express anger or fear towards loved ones, and learn his feelings. The traditionalism of what happens eliminates negative consequences eliminates internal clamps and limitations.

 Child and adult interaction

Group activities with all family members are critical in building new parent-child relationships. The methods used by psychologists allow you to see your unusual behavior from the outside and its impact on loved ones. There is a want to rectify the situation and create a warmer microclimate in the family.

  • Art correction, when adults and children paint a joint picture. At the same time, all the significant issues about family members are apparent. Adults need to be evaluated and given an appointment to develop a new type of behavior in subsequent lessons.
  • Game communication allows you to reduce emotional stress. Parents and children become equal partners and begin to understand each other better. The most effective are outdoor games (for example, overcoming the joint of the obstacle course), construction from the Lego set, and treatment.
  • The physical and mental correction allows bringing the family closer through massage and special exercises. In this case, the muscle spasms are removed, and emotional contraction occurs.
  • "Our Hour of the Star." Family members are vying for the "star" role. The rest of the participants in the lesson should pay more attention to the lucky ones, play the games they like, and cause pleasant surprises.

The psychology of parent-child relationships is very complex. Each case requires an individual approach and the precision of the expert assisting. However, if desired, a way can be found, even if it seems that the situation is dead.

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