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10 ways to make reading Fun

10 ways to make reading fun

Learning to read can be a disturbing incident for some kids. Everyone (teacher, child, dad, mom and grandparent) is eager for the child to learn to read. All the pressure and expectations from adults can dam the child's desire. This loss of motivation can lead a child to lose the desire to read. If we parents can discover ways to make reading fun and enjoyable, our Kids will be better ready to sit down and read a text. Also Read: Cow Coloring Pages

Here are some ideas you can implement with the kids to make reading fun

Reading "popcorn"

It's a fun way for a Kid to be able to read what they know and pass on the words that cause frustration. While reading a book together, each of you takes time to read aloud. When the one reading says the word "popcorn", it is up to the other to read.

I was reading with a friend.

Pair your reader with an older reading buddy and have them read a book aloud together. We've all had times when an explanation of something made more sense coming from one of our peers or a sibling. This allows the kid to practice tasks without a watchful grown-up eye, causing possible nervousness.

Reminder reading

Take an old book and a highlighter and ask the child to highlight each word on a page that he can read. After all the words your child knows are highlighted on the page, take a moment and ask your child to look at how many words he can read. It's a good confidence booster.

Adventurers reading

Before your child is too tired at the end of the day, take time to read in a dark room. Carry a flashlight and read a book jointly. Little boys especially like this way of reading.

The cabin reading

What child hasn't built a fortress, a hut or a hideout at one time or another? If you don't already have such a "place" in your house or outside the garden, help your child create one. It can be done with blankets, cardboard or wood outside. Bring your child's favorite book, make yourself comfortable and enter the magic of words.

The reading corner

Make a reading nook somewhere in your house. Let your child be there and help you, and he can also decorate and personalize it. Count irregular coverings and buffers to create a warm and friendly home to read.

Take a break to read a story to your child.

No explanation is needed here.

The little detective

Ask your child to flip through a book, look at all the pictures, and tell you what he believes will transpire in the report. Could you read the story and see how right he was?

The word Pop-up

Choose a word that your child has trouble reading, and each time he reads that word, each of you stands up. This will support him placing the word because it is associated with an activity. This works exceptionally well with a kinesthetic learner who wants to move around all the time and likes to touch and feel everything.

The celebrity of the novel

Have you ever noticed a personalized storybook where your kid's title is published in the novel? It's a unique way to get your reluctant reader excited about a book. In this kind of book, the child's name and the name of their friends are integrated into the story, which turns your child into a star of his book! And what motivation! He will have to read the book to know what kind of adventure he will live!!

Sometimes all it takes to have fun with reading is a little imagination and a change of scenery.

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