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Teach your kids these ten habits.

Teach your kids these ten habits.

Only your education can make your children useful or harmful to society.

All parents enjoyed doing what was honest, just, pious, and courageous in their youth. You have to teach with a positive attitude.

Suppose you haven't done yourself wrong. But you tell your children to do the same. The first question is 'Do the same.'

Today we will share ten important habits you need to teach your child to be a caring and kind person.

Respect everyone

Don't teach women to respect everyone and men to respect women. lead each other to respect. Also Read: The Soft Roots

Bug fixes

If your child is doing homework, Sit down, talk to him and explain what he should do instead of scolding him.

I don't care about grades.

Don't force your child to be first in class or get good grades.

On the contrary, if the number is low, Praise him for learning something new and gradually encourage him to learn and read more.

Don't be hostile

Do not always be harsh with children to hide their mistakes from you.

Build a friendly relationship with them so they can tell you everything in life and tell you if your child is going in the right direction or the wrong direction.

Teach yourself to stand up

Build trust in your children. And teach them to stand up and speak for themselves. Please do not allow them to be mistreated or treated unfairly.

Do not do evil at the behest of anyone.

Teach your kids not to do things they don't like.

For example, if there is an argument between the children during a game and your child is not fighting. Explain that he shouldn't argue even if his friends piss him off.

Learn to ask questions.

Explain to your child that asking questions is a sign of intelligence, not rationality. Some children think that if they ask the teacher something in class, they will feel that they do not understand.

Remove that fear

Don't teach them to stay behind.

Some children have problems when they go to school and wonder if they should tell the teacher. Everyone will take care of it.

Build your child's self-confidence and let him know if he has problems at school. Talk about this with your teacher.

Teach environmental protection

Teach your children to protect the environment and natural resources. Teach him to use some water. loves flowers and plants and keeps the environment clean.

Teach me not to talk

Teach your children to say 'no' to distinguish right from wrong. Let everyone know that you are a minor.

If she thinks she's been asked to do something wrong, I encourage her not to.

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