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Play is a natural way of learning

Play is a natural way of learning.

Education is essential for everyone and is especially important at the early childhood level. The teachers or those close to them must be closely monitored because the development of children needs to thrive. And at the exact time, training kids how to help themselves in simple matters. It's not easy for a 3-year-old to be able to help themselves as we need. And when it comes to kindergarten children, you have to think about playing because it pairs well with children, but many parents do not allow their children to play. Especially when children come to school, they often have questions. "What did you study today?" "Did you read the book yet?" "Did you have homework today?" These are questions I hear often. Sometimes parents forget that playing can help children learn as well. Also Read: The Soft Roots

Child's play is an activity or action that entertains children regardless of the outcome. It's a natural way of learning. Play is essential to a child's life because play is a symbol of conveying a child's experience, which is a response to the needs of children. Current child and transfer this experience to the child's future. Child's play is spontaneous and not forced. Children want to play all the time. Without time limits and children are happy to play, children are so glad when they have to play. Accurate child play must allow children to play independently both physically and mentally. Conceptual and social In addition, play is the pursuit of enjoyment from the environment and learning experience. If the play is exciting and fun, it encourages you to follow it without any effort.

Play is not only a child's nature. It is also what leads to learning. Know nature and the environment, know how to observe, think, and connect reason Play helps children develop a lifestyle as adults show society. The learning discipline understands how to control emotions and convey imagination towards self-responsibility. In addition, playing helps promote the development of various aspects of the body.

Play plays a vital role in promoting the development and prosperity of children in early childhood education. It is even said that play is the heart of educational management. If you look back on the importance of children's play, Early childhood educators The importance of play as a tool for the development and play of infants begin with singing play. Shows reactions to sounds, melodies, rhythms, and interactions with adults.

Children learn through play. For example, when playing on a playground or climbing, he must learn how to hold or climb and not to fall. And what kind of play does not cause accidents or does not allow yourself to get hurt? That said, this is all from playing the bar. But on the other hand, the children never play at all. He wouldn't know how to climb or rise so that he wouldn't have to fall. Children will not dare to play and make him afraid to make decisions.

There are many ways to play. It doesn't have to be a playground or just outdoor play. Playing by playing from different angles Can develop children's learning skills, such as a corner of the house, a role-playing corner science corner. According to various kindergartens, there will be a corner for the children. To play and to develop children's learning.

Kindergarten is when play plays the most crucial role in a child's development and learning. It is known that play is the main activity. A child's play at this age is a spark of learning about the world around him. It promotes thinking and imagination. This is the basis for understanding from concrete to symbolic. And develop into the concept. However, play that is such a process will enable children to develop communication and integrate both thoughts and feelings.

Suggestions for parents and those close to playing with their children

Understand that play is learning development and encourage children to be creative

Play with children a little every day

Let the child-free space.

Freedom to make decisions, solve problems and express themselves. If the game fails, encourage it. 

Provide a safe environment to play. As well as choosing safe toys.

Playing does not need to buy expensive toys. Toys made by parents from materials in the house or talking, teasing, telling stories, singing songs, and guessing problems will be playing that promote children's development very well. and is very valuable for children

Once parents understand their child's nature, they should encourage children to learn through play. But it shouldn't be fun to play, kids. should play adequately and play creatively for children will develop learning skills And don't forget to learn to write and read so that everyone will be good at it.

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